Baggage check-in at the airport

  • Baggage check-in desk

    Baggage check-in

    Check-in: Reliable, fast baggage check-in, even at peak times.

Every passenger is familiar with the process: the bag is lifted onto the conveyor, weighed, and labeled. An in-feed conveyor belt brings the bag to a free spot on the baggage collection conveyor belt and it is sent for handling. Drives must be highly efficient, quiet, and fail-safe to complete this task.

Your benefits

  • Energy savings of up to 50%

    Thanks to the decentralized installation of mechatronic drives that ensures high productivity while using energy efficiently.
  • Fast baggage handling

    Supported by reliable, flexible, high-performance drive technology that is capable of dealing with peak times.
  • Low noise level

    Thanks to quiet, vibration-free motors – a huge bonus for both passengers and staff.
  • Long maintenance intervals

    Thanks to robust, exceptionally durable, and reliable drives.

Our solutions for safe, high-precision check-in processes

Baggage collection conveyor belt

Collection of bags from baggage weighing conveyor belts and forwarding for handling via infeed

The baggage weighing conveyor belt safely and gently collects and transports the passenger bags that have been checked in at multiple desks. Infeed conveyor belts wait for a free spot before transferring each bag to the conveyor line. This process has to function smoothly and reliably, especially during high season. Our MOVIGEAR® and DRC.. mechatronic drive systems fulfill all your needs. Benefit from outstanding energy efficiency – from retrofitting to setting up a new system.

Our offer for your specific application needs

MOVIGEAR® mechatronic drive unit

Gear units, motors, and electronics in one compact device with high IE4-class efficiency. Your energy consumption will be reduced by up to 50%.

DRC.. electronic motors

Do you want flexibility? And the ability to choose your gear units freely and then mount them directly? Then there's only one choice for you: the permanent-field, IE4 efficiency class synchronous motor with integrated drive electronics.

Belt curve conveyors

Gently redirect baggage at high speed

Belt curve conveyors transport bags around corners smoothly and gently, even at high speeds. In terms of drive technology, this means high adaptability and and a corresponding control system. The MOVIGEAR® and DRC.. decentralized mechatronic drive systems meet all requirements and their high energy efficiency makes your operations more sustainable.

Our offer for your specific application needs

MOVIGEAR® mechatronic drive unit

Gear units, motors, and electronics in one compact device with high efficiency: with this drive unit, you will cut installation costs and reduce energy consumption by up to 50%.

DRC.. electronic motors

Do you want flexibility? And the ability to choose your gear units freely and then mount them directly? Then there's only one choice for you: the permanent-field, IE4-efficiency class synchronous motor with integrated drive electronics.

Vertical repositioning unit

Smoothly distribute baggage between two lower and higher conveyor lines

Vertical repositioning units are responsible for distributing items of baggage between two conveyor lines located one above the other. The system technology must process the suitcases and bags with care. Durable and reliable drives ensure high-precision, safe execution.

Our offer for your specific application needs

MOVIGEAR® mechatronic drive unit

Gear units, motors, and electronics in one compact device with high efficiency: with this drive unit, you will cut installation costs and reduce energy consumption by up to 50%.

DRC.. electronic motors

Do you want flexibility? And the ability to choose your gear units freely and then mount them directly? Then there's only one choice for you: the permanent-field, IE4 efficiency class synchronous motor with integrated drive electronics.

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